Wednesday 1 May 2013

Feature Film Quandaries Or Don't Write About Brooches

I have been developing a feature film script for months now and I am extremely close to having a scene by scene breakdown. However, I have a particular quandary - and it all revolves around a brooch...

Well I never knew that a brooch could be so much hassle. The troublesome accessory isn't actually a major plot point or key prop, in actual fact it is more of a narrative bridge to a bigger reveal but I can't seem to integrate it into the plot without it sticking out like a sore thumb.

The feature film is set in the 1920's in the golden age of vaudeville. As you would expect, I am aiming to have the script chock full of opulent period details. Such as jewellery. Really annoying plot -distracting jewellery.

Well I know that I will work it out. My deadline is slowly closing in, so there's that. But still, I can figure out the confusing mystery of the brooch. Right?

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