Thursday 2 May 2013

Film Stills

A few stills from the production of Special Sauce by Danielle Casson.

Exciting Times...

We finally have a screening of our graduation films next week and I am very excited to see the finished projects. I must admit that as a writer, seeing actors and actresses saying words that you have written is an exciting albeit surreal experience.

With my graduation projects being so diverse in style and tone (Special Sauce is a horror comedy, The Furnished Room is a historical romance and The Bones Of Youth is a post-apocolyptic web series) it will be interesting to see the end results.

Roll on next week!

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Shakespeare, Shakespeare, Shakespeare!

It looks like hollywood has gotten the Shakespeare bug again as there are a couple of adaptations coming up of Macbeth and Much Ado About Nothing.

First up is Joss Whedon's new version of Much Ado About Nothing. Shot in black and white and with a fantastic jazz soundtrack on the trailer, this looks set to be an interesting take on the play.

It has also been announced that there is to be a new version of Macbeth starring Michael Fassbender and Natalie Portman.

This is definitely a good time to be a fan of Shakespeare (as I am) and I can't wait to see the new versions.

Feature Film Quandaries Or Don't Write About Brooches

I have been developing a feature film script for months now and I am extremely close to having a scene by scene breakdown. However, I have a particular quandary - and it all revolves around a brooch...

Well I never knew that a brooch could be so much hassle. The troublesome accessory isn't actually a major plot point or key prop, in actual fact it is more of a narrative bridge to a bigger reveal but I can't seem to integrate it into the plot without it sticking out like a sore thumb.

The feature film is set in the 1920's in the golden age of vaudeville. As you would expect, I am aiming to have the script chock full of opulent period details. Such as jewellery. Really annoying plot -distracting jewellery.

Well I know that I will work it out. My deadline is slowly closing in, so there's that. But still, I can figure out the confusing mystery of the brooch. Right?